My experience

My Experience

I have extensive experience in using CBT with all major psychological problems. In the past I have worked at the Priory hospital and the Florence nightingale hospital under the supervision of many highly qualified and recognised cognitive behavioural professionals. During this time I worked with individuals on a 1:1 basis as well as running group sessions for problems such as relationship issues, social anxiety and OCD as well as depression and stress management.

I am a fully qualified cognitive behaviour therapist with a core profession of mental health nursing and I am accredited by the British Association of Cognitive and Behavioural Psychotherapists. During my time as a mental health nurse I worked helping people to recover from severe and enduring mental health problems in a variety of NHS settings.


I am currently employed part time as a lecturer for the University Kings College London, where I teach the theory and practice of cognitive behaviour therapy to other healthcare professionals at degree level.

I have been involved in a range of research projects including exploring the impact of envy, psychosis and inflammatory bowel disease. I have a PhD from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience.

My publications include:

Sin J, Jordan CD, Barley EA, Henderson C, Norman I. “Psychoeducation for siblings of people with severe mental illness”. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (2015), Issue 5.

Sin, j. Spain, D. Jordan, C. Griffiths, C. A. (2014). “Siblings of individuals with severe mental illness”. The journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice. Volume 9(4), (pp. 215-221).

Jordan, C. Chalder, T. (2013), “Envy: The Motivations and Impact of Envy. British Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences”. Volume 9(2), (pp. 9-22).

Jordan, C, Vitoratou, S, Siew, Y & Chalder, T (2019). Cognitive behavioural responses to envy: development of a new measure’, Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy.